Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maryse & Ted to split up?

WWE aren’t aware if there is any particular incident or reason that Ted DiBiase isn’t receiving a stronger push on television. However, more than one person feels Maryse is struggling to work as an effective valet according to PWTorch. An official indicated that the former glamour model appears much more concerned with drawing attention to herself and getting herself over rather than enhancing DiBiase’s matches and overall presentation.

My Thoughts: I personally think this should happen. I don't like the Maryse/Ted on screen relationship. I think Maryse could be doing better things. I also think Maryse should get the championship again sometime in 2011. So hopefully it will happen sooner than later in my opinion! And, be sure to vote what you think about this on the poll on the side bar of the site!

Source: DivaFiva

1 comment:

  1. Since Ted hasn't been getting any wins, they should have ended this a while they've spread the "Ted loses" to Maryse...not cool.
